i think you will find that they are civic militia raised by Rey Jose Napoleon, lawful ruler of spain!
Corrupted by Will!! Vive Le Emperor
Ah of course. Can't have the Frenchies in the firing line.
scotch cavalry finished!
generic cavalry!!
looking good Bwyan
Does remind me of watching sharpe
some more fusiliers and artillery train for the French
hannoverian legion ...elite Austrian deserters fighting for the French, true redcoats!!
Very nicely done sir! Very nice indeed.
Some French seamen, Steve's favourites!!
Amassing quite a force there Bwyan.
Wonder where Ste's contribution to the war effort is getting him ???
rumour is that he is working on some sailors.....master bates and seamen stains!!
Obviously he could 3d print a ship and then extensively modify it from the keel up!!!
more sailors
A cup of grog and a rousing chorus or two of Sally Brown* should see those fellows put to flight.
Unless the Frogs has Sea Shantys of their own.....
* Who we all know is a nice young lady from New York city with a liking for rum and tobacco.
red trousers are more than enough to see off the royal navy!
ah well, .....more garde de Paris it is!
the latest "french"
Looks like a frenchly fire incident waiting to happen!
English pig dogs
Clearly his spies have travelled through the more remote areas of East Lancashire. Nothing about eating their own young though.