Posts by cree1978

    The second Sunday of the month could mean only one thing, early opening for extra gaming. I was there at noon setting up for what has become a regular Legion Imperialis slot. This day we had Alex with his Solar Aux armoured company taking on Ade's World Eater Traitor Marine, mean while my Solar Infantry took on Ste's combined Sons of Horus/Emperors Children force. Both games where 2000pts each.

    Ste and I played the forward push mission so unusually setup and battled length ways. As it was 3 of my Solar formations had infiltration being pioneers so where able to get up close to Ste's force that deployed across the tables width. The deployed force was all the Sons of Horus with a hovering Emperors Children Thunderhawk. The rest of the EC force of Jetbikes, Speeders and Storm Eagles would start in reserve or outflanking.

    My SA where literally all over the rest of the board, getting on or near objectives from the off (apart from one near my deployment zone that I "forgot about" on the first turn).

    The action was brutal to say the least with the Sons of Horus smashing into my troops near their deployment zone, meanwhile the Emperors Children aircraft whizzed overhead running the gauntlet of my AA Tarantulas to deposit troops in and around my second line. With charges going off all over the place I had hoped my airpower would come in hard with the Marauder Bombers and Thunder Bolts, sadly they took a beating and before i knew it my 10 aircraft had been reduced to 2. Thankfully the 4 EC aircraft where also reduced to 2.

    It took the Traitor forces two turns to smash through the SA initial lines in combat, and that was delay enough for the fire power of the tarantulas, rapiers and sentinels to have an effect, whittling down the numbers and breaking the EC by the end of turn 3.

    With very little remaining of the Traitor force at the end of turn 3 and a massive point swing to the Solar force we called time on the game.

    Across the hall the SA Armoured force looked to take a beating from the World Eaters in turn 1 but this swung back to the SA's favour in turn 2.

    Having gained some momentum Alex's SAS force carried on to victory in turn 3.

    Looking to get the Titans and Knights on the table this Sunday from 12 noon with Andrew and anyone else who wants to join in, We will be trying the Titan Death Rules for the first time, found in the Great Slaughter.

    We are hoping with the Titan/Knight rules being more streamlined that this will be a much quicker affair than Adeptus Titanicus.

    So with that being said if you fancy joining in and have any Titans or Knights bring them along to join in.

    Its been over a year since I last worked on Andy's Legion, but they time hand come to do some more work on this back log of titans, and two mighty Warlords have rolled off the production line ready to join the fight!

    Another practice game for the upcoming tournament that Alex and I will be attending in September. Alex brought his competitive (brutal/disgusting/filth) traitor Legions force of World Eaters, Night Lords and Sons Of Horus Marines, mean while I brought another random Solar Auxilia force of Pioneers, Tanks, and a Warlord titan for support (a unit which Alex and I had been discussing the effectiveness of for about a week prior to the game).

    I went into the game confident, but by turn two the SA force was wrecked, overwhelmed by Marines infantry on the objectives and suffering greatly from mass missile fire and marauding Assault marines. So crushing was this assault I capitulated having very little left of the army to fight with. Lessons where definitely learned, Alex's tourney list is just about as brutal as it can be, and a Warlord in your force is a magnificent bullet magnet that can smash buildings down if they live long enough!

    Another fun game, though it has definitely eft me wondering if the SA have an answer to a mass marine infantry and dreadnought force? The number of activations Alex has a available certainly puts me on the back foot and made responding very difficult. Back to the drawing board for me!

    Just a reminder that I will be opening the club early on 11th August at 12noon. We are expecting a few new Legions Players who are all fairly new to the game so it will be open to all to join in.

    I have Solar Aux and Imperial Fists a plenty if you need an army.

    Post below if you are thinking of joining in


    …..ah yes set to go down as a day of infamy….and in which my loosing streak came to an end….and finally after months of toil painting tiny men and building my hard work would pay off….with draw!

    Come now and witness the Epic clash between Loyalists and Traitors in pictograph glory! The remembrancers will tell of this battle throughout the ages.

    This game featured Chaz (Sons of Horus/Nightlords) and Bryan (Alpha Legion) as the Traitors using two 1000pts lists verse Jon (Space Wolves) and my Solar Aux Pioneers accompanied by two support knights from House Vyronni. The mission was devastation meaning two objectives in our deployment areas that where worth 5vp each turn we held then and 10VP to the enemy if they could

    Take control and blow them up. The two centre objectives were worth 3vp each. As it was the Wolves stop any reasonable attempts from the traitors infiltrating which my pioneers got as close in to enemy as they could whilst remaining out of sight.

    The table centre featured an industrial complex (treated as a wood) and would be the scene of two rounds for bloody combat, which only turned the loyalists way when the knight paladin committed to the fight.

    The Loyalists AirPower proved superior on the day clearing the traitors from the sky and then punishing the traitor ground forces. It did not go entirely the loyalists way and the SOH drop pods came down perfectly in the loyalists deployment zone smashing one objective

    The loyalists also had to deal with two death wind pods causing the line to scatter to deal with this menace.

    Whilst turn one had been quite slow with people new to the game the carnage ensures there is less and less to command so the pace of the game increases.

    With the Alpha legion holding there base objective solidly for two rounds and having defeated to two units of infiltrating Tarantula’s in front of them they suddenly surged forward on Mass to take the middle objective in front of them.

    Over on the right a lone ogryn base survived the carnage of CQB and bombing runs and levelled the traitors objective.

    We had to call it a game at the end of turn 3 with each side on 29vp though another turn I suspect would have seen it be anyone’s game.

    I am still searching for victory but with Alex as my next opponent history tells me I’ll be improving a different stat!

    Great fun and glad to have Bryan and Jon involved who where new to playing the game.

    cree1978 started a new event:

    HI all

    Alex and I will be hosting Legions Imperialis games again on the next early opening.

    We are looking at 1500pts games this time, but if you have just started collecting, aim for 1000pts as we can easily accommodate that to.

    Post below if you are coming just so we can get an idea of the number of tables to set up.

