The Groans of the Britons

  • We started out on a few linked games set in Roman Britain post the exit of the actual Romans. The groans of the Britons are caused by the competing claimants for the title of ' Emperor' and the various brigands who were raiding their lands.

    As a first claimant for the title we have the original Comte Del Monte, self proclaimed 'True Roman' who feels such great affinity for Britain that he actual lives in France. I'm sure the original Comte will show all the ' virtues' exhibited by his heirs - note the first game report for confirmation of this.

    Then there was the Comte's Romano British rival, Mauritius of the Rhenus (Maurice of the Rhine) , Again I'm sure he'll show the 'virtues' of his future prodigy.

    There were of course dastardly Pict and Scots raiders that plagued the good Britons. The Picts were led by their king Bile McBile and the Scots/Irish by Shenanigan O'Toole.

    Each force has a 2iC and the first joint game featured the Romano Brits as 'allies' against Pict and Scots raiders.

    The Romano British stood shoulder to shoulder against the raiding force but it turned out not quite as shoulder to shoulder as it appeared,

    There was a dice role each turn to see if the Romano British betrayed each other. The role was to alternate between the two forces and the Comte's force rolled first. Yes you guessed the dice gods knew exactly the cut of the Comte's gib , Literally at the first role his forces betrayed those of the hapless Mauritius .

    Thereafter the Comte's forces exchanged some desultory missiles with the raiders whilst keeping themselves out of the thick of ( the original Comte showing all the traits of his heirs). Perhaps there'd been some bribes exchanged or the Comte saw an opportunity to weaken his rival. Whatever the cause the forces of Mauritius were cut down as the Comte's men held their ground. Doubtless this will be the start of a very uncivil civil war.

  • yes I've looked at Dux Bellorum but found it no where near as enjoyable as the games based on the Lion Rampant rules type (LR2, Rebs and Patriots, Pikemans Lament and The Men Who Would Be Kings). Dux seemed more like DBA type game which has that WRG lineage which I've never really enjoyed.

  • I have to admit this has always been one of my favorites, I blame Bernard Cornwell's Winter King Trilogy and my love of early to late dark ages! It'll be great when victrix release there Early Saxons plastic set next year as I can reinforce my all metal army!