Following the last pulp game where theprincess was left on the body strewn site unclaimed some wandering Bacaudae had happened on the battlefield and taken her prisoner back to their base at the aforementioned Drizzly Bottom. A small mean village with a lot of broken down homes and dilapidated Roman structures this wasn't the place for a princess to be. Well she wasn't really a princess but her father was a wealthy merchant and would pay a hefty ransom to get her back. That prompted the Franks, Romans, Welsh, Saxons and Picts to converge on Drizzly Bottom to 'rescue ' the Princess. If there was a big reward in it for them well so much the better, that wasn't their motivation at all!
The population of Drizzly Bottom knew better than to interfere when bands of viscous armed men arrived in town and would offer no resistance. Their live stock however was a different matter. A lifetime of abuse from the human inhabitants had left them viscous and intepemerate and ready to attack as the leagues would find out.
Del Montes Romans came in from the north and were making good progress. They didn't find the Princess but did come across the pooches ruby and garnet encrusted collar which was a prize in itself. However thetly then saw a roaming preacher spreading God's Word to anyone who would listen. Del Monte was soon embroiled in an argument with him and this held the Romans up to the extent that they found their path into the centre of the town blocked by a gang of Franks who were barrelling mob handed down what passed for the main street.
The Picts had come in from the east and found some coins that the bandits had stashed. Again not the Princess but a prize worth having. They then spied a huddled figure near a dilapidated villa on the main street and Dunghail sent his men forward in the hope this was the Princess.
The Saxons had found a silver platter stashed by the bandits and Horstwulf made sure he was keeping that for himself sending his minions forward towards the town centre.
Cynfarchwyn and his brother and GF had all elected to ride into the town on their fine white and grey steeds. Nice and inconspicuous that. They eventually came across the Princess' abandoned cloak. A sure sign she was in the town and they began an attempted dressage through the muddy lanes of Drizzly Bottom.
Now about those livestock. The donkeys proved particularly nasty lashing out at anyone rushing past them and laying out some Franks and Saxons and generally proving a hindrance.
Some geese and pigs proved to be fascinated by the Welsh horses and pursued Cynfarchwyn's band down the muddy lanes.
With the town providing rich pickings for everyone but no Princess yet the leagues made their way into the town centre.
The Picts reached the huddled figure first but a single Roman had made it there as well and a fight ensued.
The Franks then turned up in force and a mass brawl broke out. A bit like what normally happened in Drizzly Bottom but at throwing out time.
Unfortunately for all parties there sas a donkey tethered near the scrimmage and it soon joined in the melee dealing several blows to the participants. With swords, knives, arrows, fists and hooves flying the town centre was filling with bodies of the fallen henchmen. It got so bad that the Saxons decided that was not the place to be and Cynfarchwyn caught sight of Horstwulf's silver platter and decided that was more promising than a town centre scrum that may reveal the Princess.
A second fight broke out between the Welsh and Saxons down a back alley where Horstwulf managed to hold on to his prize and a Saxon despicably dealt a Welsh follower an incapacitating blow as he lay defenceless on the floor.
That was pretty much it as night fell and the leagues withdrew bloodied but enriched but unfortunately without the Princess.