Come and say hello. Let us know what you like to play and meet the members.
- Threads
- 41
- Posts
- 247
Upcoming Events & Game Nights
Hit register to show us that you'll be coming along. Let other folks know what you'll be bringing along, or what you'd like to play.
- Threads
- 259
- Posts
- 832
Past Club Events & Game Nights
Who played what. See what our members have been up to on game nights and events. Share your stories of victory and defeat, despair and desperation.
- Threads
- 186
- Posts
- 412
Forum Support & How To’s
How to use some of the forum features
- Threads
- 18
- Posts
- 55
Buy & Sell
Looking for something specific or have something to sell? Do it here.
- Threads
- 14
- Posts
- 64
General Discussion
Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board.
- Threads
- 62
- Posts
- 254
Board Games
Board Game Discussion
Tell us about your latest boardgames. Get players on board for the games you'll be bringing down at the weekend. Share insight into current and upcoming Kickstarters.
- Threads
- 20
- Posts
- 110
Historical Wargames
Historical Discussion
General discussion about historical miniature wargames and after action reports from one-off games
- Threads
- 27
- Posts
- 79
Warfare in the age of Antiquity
- Threads
- 44
- Posts
- 208
Dark Ages
From the fall of Rome to the Medieval period warfare
- Threads
- 44
- Posts
- 175
17th and 18th Century Pike & Shot Warfare
- Threads
- 31
- Posts
- 124
18th - 19th Century Napoleonic wars in Europe In the New World, the French and Indian Wars, through the American War of Independence, 1812, Texan War, Mexican American War.
- Threads
- 82
- Posts
- 327
19th Century Conflict in the Colonial era
- Threads
- 25
- Posts
- 71
Pulp Alley
Narrative driven, multi-player skirmish adventure miniature games. Just like your favourite B-Movie action thriller. Here they provide extra adventure and opportunities for Officers and Characters from the historical campaigns.
- Threads
- 4
- Posts
- 26
Sci-Fi & Space Wargames
Sci-Fi & Space Discussion
General discussion about Sci-Fi and Space based miniature wargames and after action reports from one-off games
- Threads
- 26
- Posts
- 142
Grimdark Future
Sci-Fi implementation of the One Page Rules system
- Threads
- 6
- Posts
- 16
Star Wars
Miniature Wargames with our favourite Sci-Fantasy heroes, including Armada, Legion and X-Wing
- Threads
- 1
- Posts
- 3
Warhammer 40K
A place to discuss all things 40K and plan your games
- Threads
- 10
- Posts
- 54
Xenos Rampant
Like Dragon Rampant, but Sci-Fi
- Threads
- 6
- Posts
- 16
Fantasy Wargames
Fantasy Discussion
General discussion about Fantasy miniature wargames and after action reports from one-off games
- Threads
- 8
- Posts
- 75
Dragon Rampant
A fantasy based reworking of Osprey's Lion Rampant rules.
- Threads
- 12
- Posts
- 42
Wizard or Warrior its time to test your mettle in the Frozen City!
- Threads
- 24
- Posts
- 143
The Silver Bayonet
As the wars of Napoleon ravage Europe, chaos and fear reign and the darkness that once clung to the shadows has been emboldened.
- Threads
- 28
- Posts
- 112
Song of Blades and Heroes
Fast and furious fantasy skirmishing, allowing a campaign in a single evening. In 15mm too!
- Threads
- 4
- Posts
- 8
Post-Apocalyptic Vehicular Combat
- Threads
- 8
- Posts
- 35
Blood Bowl
The game of fantasy football.
- Threads
- 89
- Posts
- 505
The hyper-kinetic sci-fi sports game of unparalleled speed and ferocity.
- Threads
- 13
- Posts
- 26
Guild Ball
The tactical miniatures game of skirmish soccer.
- Threads
- 12
- Posts
- 78
Role Playing Games
Role Playing Discussion
Discuss your favourite roleplaying games. Recruit players to join your adventure.
- Threads
- 15
- Posts
- 106
The Star Fallen Chronicles
D&D 5th Edition
GM - Mike
Players - Andy Mac, Craig, John B, Mike G & Will- Threads
- 10
- Posts
- 46
Painting & Modelling
- Threads
- 111
- Posts
- 866
- Threads
- 15
- Posts
- 85
- Threads
- 22
- Posts
- 88