Creating a Thread, Posting and Inserting Images

  • To create a thread simply select the Category you wish to create the thread in and select Create Thread.

    Enter the title of your thread in Subject. You can also create tags that will help your thread be found when someone is performing a search of the site.

    The Message box is a WYSIWYG editor with the following features (left to right). Features you’ll probably never use in red.

    View code Text Select Bold Subscript Bullets Quote
    (Header 1/2/3
    or normal text)
    Italics Superscript Alignment Code snippet
    Redo Underline Font Links Spoilers
    Full Screen Strikethrough Font Size Image Links Teletype
    Font Colour Insert Table
  • Posting a reply

    There are three ways to create a post:

    1. Simply start typing in the quick reply box at the bottom of the thread.
    2. Hit the REPLY button
    3. Hit the Quote button on the post you wish to quote in your reply

    You have the same WYSIWYG format for writing replies as for posting a new thread

  • Inserting an image

    There are three ways to insert an image:

    1. External image. Select the Insert Image button, enter the image URL into Source and (optionally) a name into Link
    2. Upload an image using Attachments. Simply select Attachments, hit UPLOAD, choose the Attachments you want to add to this post. you can then add the Thumbnail or Full Image of any of your uploaded images at the current cursor position by hitting the relevant button.
    3. Upload an image with drag and drop. This just works as you’d expect, except you need to make sure you pass over the Smilies/Attachments/Settings bar when dragging for the software to detect what you are doing.

    In all three cases you can click on the image to bring up this screen.

    This will allow you set the image to ‘float’ right or left. This means that the text will flow alongside the left or right side of the image rather than it taking up a row to itself. Leaving the float as ‘No Selection’ will mean that the image remains inline as normal.

    You will also have the option to delete the image.

  • McGran

    Changed the title of the thread from “Creating a Thread, Posting, Inserting Images and Polls” to “Creating a Thread, Posting and Inserting Images”.
  • McGran

    Closed the thread.