Club night 02/02/20

  • Rik does a rare Sunday visit and engages Dave in a few boardgames this evening.

    Later Andy joins the fun.

    But first he shows off his bargain purchase from the York wargames show Vapnartak that quite a few members went to today.

    Get in Andy.

    Bwyan poses Catalogue style next to his Napoleonic French.

    Mitch continues to churn through his Imperial guard.Going well there Mitch.

    Peter does more Napoleonic British.

    Only pestilence will suffice as Rik methodically works through his Deathguard.

    Imperiums Finest for me as I get base coating whats left of my assembled space marines.

    Ste loses his glasses again.Idiot ?(

    Another great day with this lot. Not just at the club in the evening but the full day with quite a few of us attending the York wargame show Vapnartak.

    Happy gaming everyone