Capture the portal

  • I had a little solo game on Friday afternoon down at the club.
    I set up the board and rolled off for both sides etc.
    The objective was to hold the stone portal for three consecutive turns. To do so no enemy figure was to be within medium range of your figure.
    300 pts a side and I used some Alternative Armies 15mm undead vs a group of adventures I stated straight from the human page in the rules!

    The undead advanced to the table centre while the three adventurers advanced slowly.
    Sir Rodric, Brother Peloen and Mage Terrisa did ok but the heavy armoured and we'll equipped skelly bobs killed Sir Rodric eventually.
    Mage Terrisa couldn't cast a spell than to have it just not work!
    Brother Peloen got to the portal but was outnumbered by game end