The convoy in St Archibald's Vale

  • Convoy in St Archibald’s Vale

    The second Pulp game was based on the Dangerous Delivery scenario. There was a supply convoy taking victuals, ammo, weapons and a prisoner (minor plot points) and gold coins (major plot point) to the Viscount of Tipperary, The Honorable St John Fitzgerald McQueen. Even though they were nominally on the same side Maurice , Weasel of the Rhine saw the opportunity to gain some loot.
    The ambush was set for the bridge over the River Piddle near the chapel built on the site of St Archibald the Uncouth’s old hermitage.

    The Viscount was not in his League (Mastermind). He clearly felt accompanying wagon trains was beneath him. He had Company of Heroes so two mounted sidekicks, the rest were allies with either shooting or brawling abilities.
    Maurice, Weasel of The Rhine was leader for his League and gained two extra followers from his ‘Alter’ League perk.

    Tipperary’s Fencibles

    The Weasel’s Militia

    The Vale of St Archibald (or Uncouth’s Bottom as it was locally known). Definitely a case of by name rather than nature. It is idyllic looking.

    Maurice could set up anywhere around the table edge so long as he was more than 12” from the convoy. He elected to set the whole league up at the road end and advance in a straight line towards the convoy so intercepting it head on knowing it couldn’t leave the road.

    The Fencibles convoy enters the valley. You can almost hear them singing whatever the C17th equivalent of Zipadeedoodah was as they survey the tranquil surroundings.

    The perils in the game were running on any slopes/river banking and wading in the river. The flock of sheep were a moving peril and set up near the bridge but could obviously wander at random.
    Maurice set all his forces up that they had to bypass the sheep. Perhaps he was thinking of the last game where he escaped the carnage hiding amongst some sheep. It was to prove a huge miscalculation.

    Maurice and his militia survey the convoy ahead of them. All that stand in the way are a dozy looking drover and a few docile sheep. What could go wrong?

    Following four turns of perils and minus two Allies, one Follower and an unhorsed Sidekick Maurice realised sheep are not always your friend.

    The sheep bite back. First ally down

    Ronald MacDonald is unhorsed and Father Tim (Follower) and Gustav Sidepeace (Ally) are about to bite the dust, all courtesy of the sheep.

    A much reduced Militia league made it over the bridge to face the convoy who had blocked the road with a wagon. With all the threat coming from the front all the Fencibles rushed forward to face the depleted enemy.

    Action breaks out around the lead truck.

    Ronald and Maurice carried out effective shooting and fighting but with their depleted back up they couldn’t take advantage of openings created.

    Father Pascal makes an attempt at a break through, he didn’t make it.

    Ronald Macdonald fought his way to the lead cart as Maurice held off three of the Fencibles. Ronald kicked a guard aside rifled through the carts contents and attacked the lock on the chest with his dagger. The lock creaked as it weakened and then gave way. Ronald looked down at the chest of gold coins. A plot point was there for the carrying off ( just one challenge success away) when a well aimed musket butt smashed into Ronald’s head and he fell from the cart ( down and out).
    Next move Maurice was reduced a level after a third round of fighting. He fell back across the bridge and with that the game was over. A victory for Tipperary’s Fencibles, though they too were much depleted by game end.

    Maurice is left to contemplate what might have been and rue his league being savaged by a (not dead) sheep.