The Franks were hears to shout :
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper!
I fart in your general direction!
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
The Franks were hears to shout :
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper!
I fart in your general direction!
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
What they did before Club 18 - 30 was invented :…ine-empire-study-suggests
I'll get repainting my 25mm Byzantines, clibanophoroi, spearmen, Varangians - proper troops, I may even bring out the Thematic peltastoi
Ah yes, those 36 dice that failed to give a single 6
They vanished on the way home
I'll never know what happened or maybe they're on the hard shoulder of the M6
I think you've understated the influence of masterful dice rolling by the Frankish commander !
And I didn't realise I was playing against the Irish and their Queen, I thought it was the Uruk-hai and Saruman
I thought Level 4 was the Lion, not the Wolf
It got fixed
The microwave had blown and cut the power, but it didn't look like it had tripped the RCD
So I had to get an electrician to check it.
I've had problems with the electric power in the house.
I've got an electrician coming to look at it.
So I don't know if I can be there today.
OK, I'll bring the Indian DBA Army tomorrow, we can work out the units then
Is it the 1st edition or 2nd ?
I have the 1st as a PDF and Dragon Rampant
I sent this as an option to Mitch :
"I have a 25mm DBA Classical Indian army that I got given this summer.
The bases are all 60 mm wide, the Elephants and Chariots are 80 mm depth.
The bases are :
3 x 1 Elephants - Greater Warbeasts @ 6 points each (would you 1 base as a unit, or 2 or 3 together ?)
2 x 1 Chariots - Heavy Riders, Mounted missiles, Chariots @ 7 points each (would you want both bases together as 1 unit ?)
2 x 3 Cavalry - Light Riders, short range missiles @ 3points (both together as 1 unit)
4 x 4 Bow - Heavy Missiles @ 4 points (all together as 1 unit, or 2 units of 2 bases ?)"
I don't think the elephants or chariots will fit into Lion Rampant
That will be fine !
I didn't have anything planned, so I needed to see what other people were wanting to do
OK, has anyone got any other games palnned for tomorrow ?
It seems a reasonable way of creating new scenarios for Age of Arthur
I'll be there tonight, I'll be happy to play either
I hadn't realised that last night I was in the company of so many fans of musicals
Here is a suggestion for you
Once again, sorry for the late notice, I just got up.
I got back from the US yesterday, and I'm loaded with the cold, so I won't be there tonight.
Is the club starting early next Sunday ?
I'd like to playtest a set of Star Wars PocketModel TCG Tabletop Rules.
Does anyone want to help me ?
I can upload a PDF of the rules, so you could review them beforehand.
It's a habit from my job
I've spent 25 years making medical devices, so everything gets tabulated for summary, comparison and reference
it beats reading all the way through the full set of rules
Just like wargaming
WAB Roster Band of Chindaswinth.pdf
Thanks for all your help with the army lists, it's much appreciated
I've copied the first list into a WAB army roster that I found online
I'll print it out and bring it along tonight
Hi, here is my Frankish Army list, could someone check it for errors ?
Let me know any amendments I need to make and I'll print out for tomorrow night
Thanks for that,
I'll create an army tomorrow, tonight I have a birthday party to take the kids to
Should I send the army list in advance, so it can checked over ?