Posts by cree1978

    In the first of what is set to be a double header gaming weekend the Saturday All Dayer was quite busy with around 15 plus people there most of the day and more coming along in the evening.

    I spent most of my day on the painting table with Will, Steve, Mike H, and John Bro talking rubbish and ploughing through the basecoat of some peasent archers for Test of Honour.

    Mean while all around the painting table the boardgamers where on with many different games throughout the day.

    My day ended on a high as I broke out the new Necromunda for the first time. Thankfully both John Bro and Will where patient opponents whilst we went through the rules and learned the game. John Bro won the first game, and despite killing guys all over the place in the second Wills gang ran off giving me a win.

    As seem to be my lot in life “another great victory by default”.

    Thanks to everyone for making it a great day, see you in the New Year


    Lovely! Are they MDF? I wish I had space for more 28mm stuff.

    MDF with Cardboard overlays for the detail, the gates roofs are not best but the bridges are lovely.

    I'll be storing these at the club for general use once they are done.

    So what are people planning on playing / doing? Seems I could be free from 10:30 but don't want to be sat in the hall with nothing to do if any early planned games are full or not my cup of tea.

    I'll be there at 10:30.

    Maybe come along with something that is your cup of tea and gather the troops to play?

    I am bringing a selection of games and painting an modelling. Thinking of trying out the new Necromunda at some point tomorrow, but also bringing my TOH stuff.

    I have a bunch of 28mm samurai, will these do? Or do I need extra in-game bobs and bits?

    hey Alan, The game does work around some bespoke elements, all troop have stat cards (with points), basic troops operate in groups of three figures (normally Ashigaru archers/muskets/spears) on a 60mm multi base to operate together, see pic below;

    and the game also uses custom dice, activation tokens and fate cards to give your Samurai abilities in game.

    All of this could be worked around with a bit of creativity and time, but i am not sure it work out any cheaper.

    Here is a good article on building a force.

    All is not lost though as the figures would be fine to use with my TOH set ;D since it has it all in. I am also looking at another older rule set i have for bigger games and that just needs miniatures like you have (its also why i have got a couple of packs of Perrys miniatures to boost my miniature count)

    I have enough painted for the core games scenarios so the option to try the game is always there.


    Hi all

    As many of you have seen i have been painting Samurai for the Test of Honour (TOH) rules set, and am next going to be doing some terrain Santa has kindly brought.

    If anyone is interested in having a dabble TOH then Omega Games has it currently on sale 25% off

    Omega Games

    The base game is excellent Value at £30, since it has 35 miniatures and the rules, but if you fancy something different then any 2 boxes or a box and a couple of blisters would give you enough for a force (For Example, Cobeis Renegades and the Bandits and Brigades blister).

    It is my intention to have enough of this painted for a classic large scale christmas game next year, so the more miniatures we have for it the merrier it will be. 8)

    If you have any questions about the game, let me know.


    So it was a quiet affair this evening seemingly people where busy with pre Christmas preparations.

    JC and Paul played the Star Wars rebellion board game

    I was busy putting together the last of my necromunda figures completing the Goliath gang

    That’s all for now have a great Christmas I’ll see you at the all dayer on the 30th


    If you are coming to the club tonight please be aware there has been a smash at the Marus Bridge lights so go round it through the estate at clap gate lane or round high field to come in from the top end. An ambulance was on site so should be cleared in the next hour. Traffic was building up though on the a49 and poolstock lane