In the first of what is set to be a double header gaming weekend the Saturday All Dayer was quite busy with around 15 plus people there most of the day and more coming along in the evening.
I spent most of my day on the painting table with Will, Steve, Mike H, and John Bro talking rubbish and ploughing through the basecoat of some peasent archers for Test of Honour.
Mean while all around the painting table the boardgamers where on with many different games throughout the day.
My day ended on a high as I broke out the new Necromunda for the first time. Thankfully both John Bro and Will where patient opponents whilst we went through the rules and learned the game. John Bro won the first game, and despite killing guys all over the place in the second Wills gang ran off giving me a win.
As seem to be my lot in life “another great victory by default”.
Thanks to everyone for making it a great day, see you in the New Year