Entirely the plan, just need to arrange my Sundays better 😂
Posts by John B
I can see myself picking some up to support my marines.
Looks ace, congrats on the best painted.
Don’t think I’ll make this one
You were clearly missing some plucky Space Wolves and they’re jammy anti air
Thanks for the game everyone, I reckon I’ll be adding some of those drop pods to my army before long.
I’ll be along around 1ish
I should be able to make, all my marines plus a knight is just shy of 1000 points, still need to paint the buggers though.
I imagine I’m going to end up with several Legions 😂
I was considering Alpha Legion, my other thought was some Space Wolves to mitigate enemy infiltrators.
Cheers, ordered some of those, now I just need to decide on a legion to paint them as and it to be cool enough in the hobby room to break the airbrush out.
We’re like the sith, only 2. no more, no less
I’d be keen to have a look, probably have mini me in tow though so I won’t plan to play.
Just had an email about this humble bundle of stl’s. Might be useful for somebody.